About HiFlo

About HiFlo COPD Study

myAirvo 3 (High Flow Nasal Therapy; HFNT) for COPD patients in the home – a multi-center randomized controlled trial​

myAirvo 3 (High Flow Nasal Therapy; HFNT) for COPD Patients in the Home – a Multi-Center Randomized Controlled Trial

myAirvo 3 is a High Flow Nasal Therapy (HFNT) being offered to COPD patients via a clinical trial. The myAirvo 3 device is a humidifier with integrated flow generator that delivers warmed and humidified respiratory gases to the patient. Researchers are evaluating whether the device increases the time to when a patient experiences a COPD flareup, if it reduces flareup frequency, reduces hospitalization, improves quality of life, as well as other factors.

This is a parallel-group, prospective, randomized, controlled phase III trial of home High Flow Nasal Therapy (HFNT) via myAirvo 3 plus usual COPD medical care vs. usual COPD medical care, for at least one year and up to two years in 642 GOLD Grade D, Stages III-IV patients with moderate to very severe COPD at risk for moderate and severe exacerbations with a prior history of severe exacerbation requiring hospitalization within the past six weeks.

View study NCT05204888 myAirvo 3 (High Flow Nasal Therapy; HFNT) for COPD Patients in the Home on ClinicalTrials.gov

Study Objective

To determine if HFNT delivered by myAirvo 3 increases the time to first moderate exacerbation or severe exacerbation or all-cause mortality in patients with moderate to very severe COPD

Secondary Objectives

To determine if HFNT delivered by myAirvo 3:

  • Increases the time to first severe exacerbation
  • Increases the time to first exacerbation (moderate or severe)
  • Reduces severe exacerbation frequency
  • Reduces moderate and severe exacerbation frequency
  • Reduces hospitalization duration
  • Improves quality of life
  • Reduces dyspnea
  • Reduces pCO2
  • Is safe and well tolerated
  • Determine if any of the objectives are related to duration of daily HFNT use
  • Assess cost effectiveness of HFNT use

Study Participants

Included 642 patients with stable COPD (Gold Grade E, Stages II-IV moderate to very severe COPD), males and females 30 years and older who reside in US or Canada.
Study Participants

Description of Intervention

Patients assigned to the HFNT group will be provided a myAirvo 3 device

  • The myAirvo 3 is a humidifier with integrated flow generator that delivers warmed and humidified respiratory gases to spontaneously breathing patients through a variety of patient interfaces.
  • The interface used in this trial is the Optiflow™ + Duet nasal cannula sized for patient comfort.
  • Patients will also be provided with a pulse oximetry device that connects to the myAirvo 3 to record pulse oximetry and heart rate once daily after wearing the device for two minutes.

Patients assigned to the control group will be provided with:

  • A pulse oximetry device to record pulse oximetry and heart rate once daily after using the pulse oximeter for two minutes
  • A respiratory questionnaire and will input data into a smartphone adapted to be used as an electronic diary.
Study Duration​

Study Duration

Patients will be actively enrolled and followed during an overall study period of 42 months

Participant Duration of Participation

Minimum of 12 months and up to 24 months